Thursday, November 24, 2016

The Flash, 3.07 - "Killer Frost"


“Like you helped your mother? Or Wally? Or me? You keep messing with everyone’s lives, wrecking everything, and we’re left behind to pick up the pieces from your mistakes. Some things you break can’t be put back together.” -Killer Frost

I had to start off with this quote this week because it is truly iconic. The Flash writers finally acknowledge the elephant in the room, which is how Barry's selfishness makes him a unique kind of villain, and I'm so excited to talk about it.

Caitlin's powers reach the point of no turning back when she uses them to save Barry from Savitar. Her inner Killer Frost takes over, first kidnapping Julian and forcing him to make an algorithm that can track Alchemy and Savitar's followers. In acts of desperation, she wants to contact them in the hopes of getting rid of her powers. Barry confronts her and begs her to reconsider, but Killer Frost finally lashes out and drags Barry to hell and back with the above quote and the rest of Team Flash watching through the camera. She further exposes Barry's selfishness to Cisco, telling him that his brother was alive in the old timeline. Cisco is rightfully angry, and I hope this time it will take a lot longer for him to forgive Barry. It took a lot longer for the entirety of DCTV to forgive Oliver for his less significant mistakes (and antis still haven't), so if Barry is coddled again next episode, I will fight the writers. Cisco and Caitlin turning on Barry was my favorite part of the episode. Barry deserves this, and he should know it was long overdue. And as much as I love Westallen, I hate the fact that Iris's only purpose this episode was to be Barry's personal cheerleader and counselor. I know she loves him, but Iris, it is his fault, and hurting others in the process of relieving your own pain is never justified. Never. I just want to see my queen going off on Barry while still staying by his side and giving him strength.

With an unusually good idea, Barry manages to bring Caitlin back to herself, but must prevent Julian from exposing her meta side to the press. (So will the Killer Frost storyline only be a one time thing? That's kind of disappointing.) Julian agrees to stay mum, on one condition - if Barry quits his job as CSI. Julian could tolerate his random disappearances and his "bad attitude", but not the act of putting friendship over justice, telling him that his "moral compass is broken." Barry agrees, and joins the "unemployed DCTV mains" category with Felicity. The writers are trying to tell us Barry would sacrifice everything for the safety of his loved ones, but....he literally ran back in time and created the last two seasons' villains to fulfill his own selfish desires? How does that work out? Lol. Anyways, this was some of Danielle's best acting, and considering I never thought of her as a strong actor, she really impressed me. Carlos was amazing as well, portraying Cisco's feelings of betrayal in a realistic and relatable way.

Meanwhile, Wally is stuck in some sort of cocoon and ultimately emerges with superspeed. HR is still here apparently, and he encourages Joe to follow his instincts, which apparently includes cutting Wally out of that cocoon early. Despite the circumstances, I'm glad for Wally. My son deserves a chance to help people, and hopefully will not make the same stupid mistakes Barry made. The West siblings deserve happiness, and I want to see more of their individual storylines.

Man, I literally said it was laughable the show was trying to indicate that Julian was Alchemy in my last review. I can't believe the hint about Julian's disappearance wasn't actually a red herring considering it was so obvious. That's kind of disappointing, but it raises new questions. Has Julian known Barry was the Flash all along? So he was purposely playing clueless about the husks found all around Central City? Did he willingly become Alchemy?

Overall, this was a pretty strong episode, but mostly I'm happy that Barry Allen finally got called out on his sh*t. I miss Arrow season 2 Barry, to be honest. He was pure, dedicated to his job, and still a relatively selfless person. I no longer recognize that Barry to the season 3 Barry today, and it's sad. The Flash has lost its season 1 touch, and though season 3 is much, MUCH better than season 2, Barry's mistakes still loom over the entirety of DCTV. Oliver's actions may be hurtful sometimes, but at least they don't affect the entire universe.

Rating: 7.3
Extras that didn't make it in: If Barry gets a new job and Felicity doesn't, I will seriously be pissed. Also, crossover episode next week! Right?

*My next review will probably be of Arrow, JTV or Pitch. See you then!

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