Saturday, November 26, 2016

Jane the Virgin, 3.05 - "Chapter Forty-Nine"


I've finally been catching up with Jane the Virgin, and DAMN, did I miss a lot. Chapter 50 (Halfway to 100! Wow I'm proud) will be up soon, but for now, let's dive right in to 49.

Anezka's time as Petra is up - Rafael secretly implements a hidden camera and catches Anezka right as she's about to administer another shot of the serum that keeps Petra paralyzed. (How does that serum work, by the way? And how did she manage to order so much of it?) However, Petra lies and says she's Anezka when she's un-paralyzed and back to normal. Why? She wants Rafael's shares and must keep up the pretense long enough for him to sign them over. Before doing that, she gets her ducks in a row, first breaking up with Scott. Good riddance. They were boring together, and Scott wasn't likable enough to feel sorry for. Then comes the moment - Rafael begs her to reconsider, but, alas, "I tried nice, and I was freaking paralyzed and nobody even noticed. So I am done with nice." She then proceeds to walk out dramatically in slow motion as Anthony Mendez narrates in awe, "Get ready friends! The bitch is back." The bitch is back indeed. I don't agree with how she screwed Rafael over, but I truly respect her for it. Petra spent months being paralyzed by her own family, and she has every right to be angry at everyone who didn't notice or brushed her aside.

Petra's not the only person Rafael has a problem with - Jane continues to insist that her husband and baby daddy be friends, and they try. Rafael's workout is clearly more advanced that Michael's, and his more defined abs and arms get quite a few appreciative stares.  If I had known we would be getting Rafael workout scenes, I would've caught up ages ago. I know Justin is ripped, but damn - it's INSANE. Fangirling about Rafael's body aside, the tension begins when Michael jumps to conclusions and assumes Rafael is sleeping with a married woman, immediately telling Jane. Sure, it's not right for Michael to judge, but Rafael did take Jane away from him when they were engaged the first time. Rafael admits that wasn't right and the two begin a tentative acquaintance. I mean, I get where Michael is coming from. Rafael and Michael bonding is nice, but I'm still Team Jafael, sorry.

Meanwhile, Jane's donation to a GoFundMe accidentally leads to Alba's estranged sister calling her. Since it's usually Alba and Xo who get into arguments, Jane is heartbroken when Alba's disappointment is truly directed at her for the first time in her life. (To those who forgot why Alba is unable to forgive her sister - Alba's sister was in love with Alba's fiance, and ruined the wedding by revealing Alba wasn't a virgin.) Alba and Jane agree to disagree - the fiasco forever ruined Alba's relations with her parents, rendering her sister unforgiveable in Alba's eyes, but Jane longs to know her extended family after growing up with just Xo and Alba. A cousin contacts her on Facebook and ends up travelling right to her home. Creepy, right? Ugh, I'm not ready for more Villanueva family drama.

The letters storyline was brought back really randomly, and so were Xo's dance classes. It just emphasizes the show's problem of temporarily forgetting about storylines in favor of the main conflict. Just because they're not the highlight of the episode doesn't mean they should never be spoken about ever again until they're relevant. The viewers will forget about them or wonder why they're relevant, so the JTV writers need to figure out a way to keep older storylines fresh. Anyways, Xo eventually realizes that opening up a dance school is her dream career, and Alba, Jane and Rogelio enthusiastically agree. The question is, why didn't she realize this earlier if she's been doing it for so long? Also, is Xo really certified to be a dance teacher? I'm impressed she got so many students. Now she just needs to figure out how to run her own business. I'd also like to add that the number in Xo's epiphany was super cute and adorable - I didn't know Gina could sing! Gina should sing more!

Lastly, Rogelio is still looking for auditions to make it big in America. He gets a part that requires full nudity, and meets with Jane to see if she's okay with seeing his penis, since Xo and Michael have already seen it. She is, albeit reluctantly, and then he finds out he has to do something for the producers in order to get approval for the nudity. Did we ever find out what that was? No? Hopefully it won't be anything too bad. Rogelio has gone through so much sh*t, and doesn't deserve any more.

Overall, this was one of my favorite season 3 episodes yet. Despite its shortcomings, it was easy to follow and captivating. I'm glad Petra finally got put out of her misery, even if she's now going to drop her misery onto other people. Rafael is the one person that has yet to be rewarded for suffering through everything. With his mom's colorful past and murder, Luisa's alcoholism, and his money and job on the line, he really deserves some stroke of luck to fix everything. The drama is neverending; after all, it's a telenovela. However, it can be exhausting to keep up. Here's to hoping everything will be somewhat better in the next episode!

Rating: 8.4
Extras that didn't make it in: Writing "Not Petra" on Anezka's forehead? That was kind of scary. Was it actually bleeding? The JTV writers have disgusting minds. Also, Michael and Rafael make some progress on the sentence in the Bible. Apparently it's a bank account number. The suspense increases!

*My next review will probably be the next episode of this show or Pitch. See you then!

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