So far this season, the odd episodes of Arrow have tended to be slightly better than their even counterparts. So compared to the disaster that was season 5, episode 6, episode 7 was much better. But even then, it still isn't that much better, so let's get into it.
This week, Prometheus is pretty quiet. But Oliver and Team Arrow never get any down time anymore, and this week they must face a season 1!Oliver-like vigilante, who violently kills bank robbers. The unknown vigilante is even willing to go against Team Arrow when they don't support his methods. We also see a glimpse of the behind the scenes training - everyone is improving, but Curtis still sucks. It's also funny to me that Rory doesn't have to train because he has magical rags to protect himself with. Also, what exactly do they do for a living again, especially Evelyn, who's literally still a teenager who should be in school? Also, now that I'm thinking about it, isn't Evelyn smart? She tweaked the Canary Cry after Laurel's death, after all; can't she help Felicity and Curtis with tech?
Whatever - the murderous new vigilante has Oliver questioning the effectiveness of his own methods. New guy is obviously getting the job done, so why isn't Oliver? Even baby Team Arrow seems willing to let him do his thing - at first. I really appreciated when Oliver directly called them out on their hypocrisy, pointing out that they were angry at Oliver for his dark past, but are willing to cut the other vigilante some slack. I really like the representation of POC through the new team, but honestly, it's been 7 episodes. They really need to get off their high horse. Also, no offense to the Arrow writers, but I'm tired of having to watch Oliver doubt himself over and over and over. Like Felicity and Diggle said, he's saved the city ten times over without wanting a "thank you" or pat on the back. (OTA scenes are always great.) This kind of character development should've and WAS resolved as early as season 3. Why is it coming up again? This constant portrayal of Oliver as weak-willed is tiring, and I want to see the writers encouraging the mentally ill that yes, they can be strong, and they can be heroes. Vigilante really had the audacity to accuse Oliver of not knowing what it's like to lose people. Oh man, you have no idea. That just proves even more that Oliver is strong and doesn't need to be constantly sh*t on.
Team Arrow figures out the vigilante is targeting Eric Dunn's crew, but unfortunately, Vigilante escapes just as they are about to find out who he is. Through the mission, we discover that John is getting restless living as a fugitive. Rene generously brings Lyla and John Jr. over so the Diggle fam can be reunited. I like Diggle and Rene's budding friendship, but I don't like the fact that Rene still calls Felicity blondie and nobody bothers to call him out. Yikes. Also, I'll never get over the erasure of Sara Diggle. F*ck Flashpoint - you could've at least made John Jr and Sara twins.
Meanwhile, Oliver and Susan Williams start to get intimate. He actually accepts her offer of a drink - isn't this unprofessional? I know Oliver is trying to move on, but really? A reporter who not even a month ago wanted to ruin his reputation? And still (secretly) is? Really, writers, really? Also, what is he doing opening up to her when it took even Felicity and Diggle months, if not years, to do the same thing? It's throwing character development out the window, and it's gross. Also, I'm really trying not to be biased here, but they have no chemistry. At all. I don't want Oliver to get hurt by someone he's sleeping with ever again. Now that I'm on the subject, I still hate Detective Fugly, and he wasn't even in the episode. Why does it seem that Team Arrow is oddly supportive of their new relationships when they were the biggest advocates for Oliver and Felicity to be happy together? Sigh. Listen, if you didn't want people to ship Olicity, you shouldn't have written for them for FOUR years. It was your choice to make, and now making them date other people is just out of character.
One highlight this episode was Thea and Quentin's relationship. Thea refuses to give up on Quentin, who she has nearly always seen as a second father. Quentin admits to his blackouts and finding the throwing star, Prometheus' specialty, in his house. Finally, he decides to go to rehab for good. (Wow, the alcoholism storyline on the CW repeats itself. I literally wrote about this on my JTV review.) "We're afraid of things we don't know," Thea reassures him. "Especially when we've been in pain this long." The writing has been pretty bad this season, but that scene - wow. I was blown away and the statement genuinely hit close to home. I really like Thea and Quentin's friendship, and I admire how their screentime is always prominent, even though they're no longer on Team Arrow.
Of course, I can't finish this recap without mentioning the f*cking plot twist the writers threw at us - Evelyn is secretly working with Prometheus. Wow, I didn't see that coming, and it makes me a little sad. Evelyn, an orphan who is still a teenager, would be wiling to take down Oliver and his legacy? Does that mean the fight on the train last week was completely planned? I'm tired of the people Oliver cares about stabbing him in the back. STOP IT, ARROW WRITERS! GET TEAM FLASH TO STAB BARRY IN THE BACK INSTEAD! HE DESERVES IT MORE, FOR GOD'S SAKE!
Anyways, I don't know if I've explicitly stated this already, but there are too many forgettable characters taking up too much screentime this season. I was so hopeful at the beginning of the season, and actually highly enjoyed the premiere. But the writers continue to tank the show with problematic and uninteresting content, and that's saddening. I literally cannot tell the middle-aged men apart from each other, and unpopular opinion: I don't care for the flashbacks. I just want a good balance of action, the relationships that made the show popular (aka Olicity, OTA and the Queen siblings), and good character development. It's especially upsetting to see how little Felicity storylines there are this season. From what it looks like, she has no job, no outside friends (besides Detective Fugly), and no one seems to care about her feelings, aside from that time they spent a whopping ONE episode on her Havenrock struggles. The writers may have treated Laurel like crap while she was still alive, but at least we knew she had a job as DA aside from being a vigilante. Even Felicity was the proud CEO of Palmer Tech (and being Oliver's sugar mommy). Now she has....nothing.
Rating: 7.2
Extras that didn't make it in: The new DA is hella weird. I'm starting to think he might be Prometheus or at least associated with him. Or wait - maybe he is Vigilante? Felicity on the field - that was new and cool! She's literally a genius - she needs a job. Now.
*I've been crying over Sanvers for days, so Supergirl will probably be my next review! I know I promised to review Pitch, and that will be coming soon as well!
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