Monday, November 28, 2016

Quick update for you all.

Hey guys! I'm sorry this is probably not the update you were expecting. I've already watched the most recent JTV and Pitch episodes and reviews will hopefully be out at least by the end of this week. I just wanted to let you all know that after today's episode of Supergirl, I will most likely stop watching the show altogether. I'm going to watch and review this episode because 1) it's part of the CW DCTV crossover and 2) I want to part the show knowing that my daughter Alex Danvers is proud of her identity and that my son James Olsen is succeeding at doing what he loves (even though I still don't really approve of it.)

You all know I can stand the worst of the worst, particularly with what's going on with Arrow at the moment. Yes, I have contemplated quitting Arrow or DCTV altogether, but at least Arrow has built up my love over the seasons, and one bad season does not outweigh the joy the characters and past seasons give me. Supergirl, on the other hand, never gave me enough of a reason to stay. I've never really been invested in the show - James has always been underutilized, and I really only started liking Alex when it was revealed that she is gay. (Oops.) Who knows if this decision is permanent? Maybe I'll be eating my words by next week. But right now, I can't stand by and watch as the Supergirl writers destroy every part of the show I loved.

I'm tired. I just wanted Kara Danvers and James Olsen to be happy together. Their season 1 journey was so beautifully written, and their mutual love and respect was clear. Not even a full 24 hours later in the season 2 premiere, Kara's feelings apparently did a complete 180, and they didn't even bother to try to be together. The writers pushed them away for a bullshit reason, and then have the audacity to pair Kara with Mon-El, a douchey white man she has no chemistry with. And though I haven't seen tonight's episode yet, the Kara/Mon-El kiss is my crucible. I have put up with a lot, but I cannot stand for this anymore. The racism among the writers and the fandom is astounding. James, the black lead, has always been criticized, ignored and pushed aside for not living up to everyone's white feminist standards. Fandom will go on about how Maggie and Alex, two white women, and Kara and Lena, two white AND straight women, are much needed LGBT rep, but completely ignore how important James and Mehcad are to representation of color. My heart hurts for how James has always been mistreated, and nobody seems to care. The Supergirl fandom will criticize Arrow fans for ignoring Laurel, the (former) co-lead, yet turn around and ignore their own show's co-lead.

When Supergirl introduced Maggie, I was genuinely excited about the show for the first time in my life. Despite James' poor storylines, seeing a gay woman of color resonated with me. Finally - someone who could relate to my experiences, growing up as a "nonwhite, nonstraight girl". Sanvers was the wlw ship I could truly get on board with - an interracial femslash ship that could represent LGBT WoC as well. Until.....I found out that Floriana isn't even Latina, much less a Latina WoC. It's even worse when the Supergirl writers advertised the character AND the actor as a woman of color. That awkward moment when they made the white actor explicitly say she wasn't white.....yikes. I know much of DCTV, namely Arrow, has problems with race and whitewashing, but at least the writers didn't lie about any of the characters' ethnicities. Is it really that hard to cast a Latina actress to play a canonically Latina character? Why can't LGBT PoC just get some decent representation? I just want to see people like me on my screen; is that too much to ask? Just thinking about this upsets me all over again, and it hurts even more when the fandom easily glosses over it for the sake of LGBT representation.

I think taking a break from this show will be the best for me. I can barely keep up with my shows anyways, and dropping one will benefit me. I'm sorry if you followed my Supergirl reviews with interest, but I'll be back when they start treating my favorite characters with decency. Until then, I'm out.

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