Monday, December 26, 2016

Pitch, 1.08 - "Unstoppable Forces and Immovable Objects"


Hey everyone! I know I mysteriously disappeared on you all for almost three weeks, and with many of my shows currently going on midseason hiatus, I can finally take a breather to catch up. I still have yet to review the last three episodes of Pitch season 1, so let's begin!

San Diego, like most of California, rarely gets rain, but when it does, it pours (at the most inconvenient times, of course!). Everyone acts overly melodramatic, except Ginny, who insists on staying fit. Team president Charlie worries about the possible refunds and wants to get back out on the field as soon as possible. The baseball mumble jumble kind of outshone this episode, so I really don't remember what the big deal was. Also, we discover that Oscar is secretly seeing Al's daughter Natalie. Oooh, more drama.

Mike's old(er) age is catching up to him, and he's stuck between moving to a team with higher chances of finally granting him a winning ring or staying with the team he's played for for years. The rain exacerbates Mike's grumpy mood (and old bones, of course), and it's rather unpleasant to watch. Mike lashes out at everyone, and Ginny gets the worst of it. From flirting with Livan to jokingly messing up his kangaroo court custom, Ginny doesn't even realize (and Mike probably doesn't, either) that she's messing up Mike's mood. Side note: with what little they showed of the kangaroo court indicates that it's a cute team bonding experience and that we should see more of it.

Following the court debacle in which Ginny lied about a play that made Mike look incompetent, Omar, a fellow player, confesses to Blip and Mike about his supposed feelings for Ginny. Blip, and especially Mike, call him out on the superficiality of it all. Mike rants about Omar not really knowing Ginny, listing all her little gimmicks and habits that even I, the viewer, had never really noticed. It shows how Mike's feelings for her have grown throughout the season, and now, Blip and Omar are onto him.

Meanwhile, Will, Ginny's older brother, is eager to get his bar business up and running. Evelyn enthusiastically teams up with him, but Amelia is rightfully more cautious, knowing about Will's previous questionable spending habits. Amelia continuously tries to talk Will and Evelyn out of the venture, but they don't listen. It finally culminates in Will publicly putting Ginny on the spot, pretty much demanding for her to invest in the business. So who will Ginny choose, Amelia or Will?

This episode was entertaining as usual, and I continue to enjoy Mike and Blip's bromance. I also liked what little we saw of Eliot and Amelia. I want to see more of my Asian representation, Pitch writers!! However, I felt like this episode was more of a filler for the last two episodes of the season, especially since 1.09 will focus more on Ginny and Mike's budding feelings, and how the trade deal will affect their relationship.

I apologize for this review being relatively short, but next episode's will hopefully (and most likely) be longer.

Rating: 7.9
Extras that didn't make it in: Bawson reminds me of the time when I briefly shipped Ginny and Cara. Please bring her back! Ginny needs more female friends!

*My next review will probably be of The Flash. See you then!

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