Since Arrow 100 was my favorite episode out of the crossover, I wrote it first. Now that's out of the way, the rest will be coming in order, starting with Supergirl.
Does this really count as a crossover episode? The crossover bit only happened in the last 3-4 minutes or so of the episode, and we saw the exact same scene anyway in the Flash portion. Heck, it's not even titled "Invasion!" like the rest of them. This will be my last Supergirl review for a while, so let's get into it.
The Supergirl crew left Cyborg Superman to his own devices last week, and this week we discover just what he's been up to. Apparently, Kara's parents created Project Medusa, a virus that targets non-Kryptonian aliens, to protect Kyrpton, but they had never anticipated Cadmus using it to wipe out Earth's alien population. Kara is understandably upset and feels betrayed, but really, that virus was actually a good idea. How were Kara's parents supposed to know evil humans would get their hands on it?
Cyborg Superman tests the virus in National City's alien bar, and even Mon-El is affected. I mean...okay. I don't give a sh*t about him - I never did - so, whatever. Kara is overly heartbroken and worried, which was annoying. I mean, come on! You've known him for a month and he annoyed and took advantage of you for half that time. It really bothers me that Kara never calls the men around her out for their casual misogyny (Mick in the crossover, ugh.). The whole point of having a
Supergirl reveals to Lena that her mother is behind Cadmus, and Lena, understandably hurt, tells her to get out. In a way, Lena's discovery that Lillian wants to destroy the aliens parallels Kara's discovery of her own parents' involvement in Medusa. However, both women prove that they are not their parents and can forge their own legacy. (Very deep and metaphorical, DCTV.) Lena pretends to give Lillian the isotope needed to complete the weapon, only she replaced it with a harmless version, saving the day and getting Lillian arrested in the process. Yay, Lena! I went back and forth on deciding if she was a threat, but I guess she isn't. I like her, but Kara/Lena shippers still annoy me.
At the same time the Luthors are preparing the weapon, J'onn battles his human doppelganger (or maybe J'onn's the doppelganger) in a cool showdown of strength. Because everyone was under the impression that the virus was harmful, J'onn went into battle thinking he would die, but was okay with it. He made peace with death, grateful to at least die as himself. Not gonna lie, it saddens me that a black man is one of the most bigoted and xenophobic characters on the show, but whatever.
Fortunately, Eliza Danvers discovers a cure for Medusa, and not only that - it also prevents J'onn from becoming a white Martian! Yay! Eliza's in town for Thanksgiving with her daughters, James, Winn and Mon-El, and Alex nervously confesses her sexuality. Hearing Alex explicitly say she is gay was nice, and I appreciate Eliza's positive encouragement. Alex's reluctance is a very relatable feeling, and if only I could come out to my parents like that. It helps that she's a smart, badass and successful lady already on her own. Eliza is the one to realize Mon-El's feelings for Kara before Kara does, and
With all her loved ones having her back, Alex slowly starts getting over the pain of not having Maggie. Only....Maggie shows up, pizza and all, and finally realizes her feelings for her. The two share a kiss, and if I didn't know that Floriana is white, I would be jumping for joy right now. Unfortunately, I know the facts, and I wish I could be more excited, but the spark is gone. After the disaster that is Clexa, I don't care for two white women being together anymore. I'm still happy for Alex, though. It was a nice goodbye note to end on.
And finally, the moment most viewers had been waiting for - crossover time! Barry and Cisco have been portalling all over Earths to find Kara, which is what the blue glossy things that appeared in Kara's apartment during Thanksgiving and the DEO were. Kara owes Barry a favor from the last time they worked together, and he's cashing it in. See you later, Earth-38! We're going back to Earth-1.
Overall, this episode wasn't too bad, except for the Kara/Mon-El kiss and white Maggie, as usual. I'm disappointed that there wasn't much of James this time around. I know the Guardian storyline would've been awkward to fit in, but I would've like to see Kara's reaction to her
Peace out, Supergirl fans! I hope you've enjoyed these reviews.
Rating: 7.5
Extras that didn't make it in: What's up with Cadmus? Hopefully I'll find out through Tumblr, lol.
*My next review will be The Flash, and then Legends of Tomorrow for the first and last time ever. See you then!
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