And here's the final installment of my crossover reviews, aka the first and last LOT review I will ever do.
Oliver, Thea, John, Sara, and Ray have safely returned to Earth, but the Dominators are still going full speed ahead with their destruction. Sara suggests kidnapping one of the Dominators that attacked the army camp in 1951 in order to interrogate it, since the Dominators did the same thing to them. Cisco and Felicity are especially excited to ride the Waverider and travel back in time, which literally makes no f*cking sense. Did the writers conveniently forget that the exact reason Cisco is mad at Barry is because of, you guessed it, time travel? Like, do they even read their own scripts? Cisco being enthusiastic, even to battle aliens, seems out of character. It gets worse, though - I found it really dehumanizing that we had to see Felicity throw up twice and generally embarrass herself as a side effect of being a first-time passenger. I mean, really? Thanks for encouraging people to make fun of her, and also taking screen time away from the West family. I'm still bitter Iris and Felicity didn't get more screen time - why did Iris just leave when the battle was nowhere near done?
Once there, Cisco and Felicity are forced to stay inside while Mick, Amaya, and Nate go to capture an alien. (Since I don't watch the show normally, forgive me for not knowing anything about the LOT characters.) They successfully knock one out to be captured by men in suits, waking up to see them experimenting on the Dominator. Cisco and Felicity decide to get off their asses and end up saving the day, and Cisco rises above and beyond to free the Dominator when he had no legitimate reason to. These people are too kind-hearted for their own good, smh.
It turns out that the leader of said men in suits is the same one who is pissed at Barry in 2016 for going back in time, destroying the agreement made between humans and the Dominators in 1951. He's old now, but you can see the similarities from his younger self. As a result of Barry's recklessness, the Dominators view all metahumans as a threat, and though their weapon specifically targets those with powers, it can wipe out regular humans as well. So basically, the entire premise of the crossover is Barry's fault. This gives me flashbacks to when Tony Stark stans defended him in AOU and CA:CW, even though Ultron's creation was literally his fault.
Barry nearly sacrifices himself, much to the chagrin of the team. (He also doesn't even bother to leave the Wests a goodbye message. Yikes.) Since pretty white boy always gets what he wants, Cisco ends up forgiving him after realizing that time travel can be done with good intentions in mind. Yeah, too bad Dante's still dead and Caitlin still has to live her life limited by her powers. Luckily, Victor returns from Central City with a device that causes the Dominators indescribable agony, though it will only work if the team manages to place one on every single alien. Yes, every one of them. He was able to create with the help of his daughter, Lily, who hadn't existed until Stein's actions in a previous episode I have no context for resulted in her accidental conception, who is as brilliant as her father. Of course, present Stein initially had no idea who she is. At first, he wants to finish the Dominators so he can go back and erase her, but ends up loving Lily as if he had been in her life all along (though technically, he had, in Lily's mind.)
And of course, since DCTV has no real stakes, they succeed, despite the implied fact that there were Dominators all around the world. Even the Flash and Supergirl can't travel that far in such a short amount of time. Firestorm deactivates the bomb, and all is well. All the masked heroes except Thea, who had returned to Star City after the kidnapping experience, get honored by the new female president of color. To be honest, I'm a little bitter Felicity and Cisco weren't standing on stage with them while raging misogynist and piece of sh*t Mick Rory was. Felicity and Cisco's intelligence and determination played a major role in the crossover's success. Although, I'm not really sure how the Dominators leaving constitutes as a victory. I mean, they can still come back, right?
Oliver and Kara resolve their brief feud from earlier, when Oliver had requested Kara stay out of the action to regain some sense of normalcy. Oliver excluding Kara literally made no sense in terms of his character, but at least he apologized. I also sense a budding friendship between the two, which excites me. It's time for Kara to return to her Earth, and the Legends to go back to doing whatever they were doing. Ironically, the episode of Legends ends with only Barry and Oliver having a drink date. Olivarry FTW!
Overall, this was a nice episode to end the crossover on. There were strong Olicity moments despite the two not being together, and Canarrow as well. Seeing Sara in her leading role on Legends makes me miss her on Arrow. Come back to me, Black Canary! Mick continues to irritate the hell out of me, as well as some of the shoddy writing. However, since I don't watch the show, it doesn't matter enough for me to stay bitter.
Back to normal, everyone! See you later.
Rating: 8.2
Extras that didn't make it in: Felicity continues to embody the BADS (Barry Allen Defense Squad. It even spells out as bad, yikes.) It's annoying.
*My next review will probably be Pitch. See you then!
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