Sunday, October 30, 2016

Pitch, 1.04 - "Alfonzo Guzman-Chavez"


I've only just discovered and started Pitch recently, but it is one of the few shows that I actually do not have any major complaints about. Not even my favorite show in the world, as I previously posted about, escapes my wrath. But with a diverse and talented cast, Pitch has so far done a great job of portraying racism and sexism in a white male-dominated sports industry that otherwise, I know little to nothing about. And it's kind of surprising to me that this show is on Fox, whose news counterpart is known for guessed it, racist and sexist! So basically, what I'm saying is, this show is brilliant. More people should watch it. It should NOT be cancelled. Go watch it, people!

Friday, October 28, 2016

Arrow, 5.04 - "Penance"


Sorry for the late review everyone! Thursdays are my busiest days and though I actually watched the episode on Wednesday, I didn't get time to put together my thoughts until now. But I have a confession to make....I actually put this off for a little longer than usual, even when I got home and had time to write.

Arrow is different from all the other shows that have been featured on this blog so far. Supergirl and The Flash wouldn't even be here without the success of Arrow. It has been my favorite show ever since I stumbled upon some Olicity gifs on a Tumblr blog in 2014 - at around the time the first half of season 3 was airing. Having no context, I thought the interactions between Oliver and Felicity were adorable, and I was mildly intrigued. So during my freshman year midterms (aka the most inconvenient time ever) and Arrow hiatus, I started binge watching the show. And I was hooked. I immediately liked all the characters and though I knew Oliver and Felicity wouldn't get together until season 3, I shipped them almost instantly even in season 1. And by the end of the season 3, I thought they were solid, and would never be apart. They had driven off into the sunset and gotten their happy ending - finally.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The Flash, 3.04 - "The New Rogues"


Wednesdays are always my day to watch The Flash (and rant about it) and there's a lot to talk about this week. If you know me in real life and/or follow me on Tumblr, you should know I have a love-hate (mostly hate) relationship with the show. I genuinely enjoyed season 1, hated most of season 2, neutral about season 3 so far. Season 2 got to the point where I was truly suffering episode after episode for my queen Iris West, and my sons Cisco Ramon and Wally West. I'm still deeply unhappy with Barry's decision to go back in time and save his mother in the season 2 finale, considering he had done that in season 1 and made the right decision to change his mind. This resulted in a complete f*ck-up of the timeline. I hate how it affects the other DCTV shows - namely, Arrow - and how selfish and hypocritical the decision was. To this day, I still believe DCTV Barry Allen is the epitome of character assassination. However, this week he wasn't too bad, and that's because the people he surrounds himself with are the best part of him. Specifically, Iris. But I'll get to that later.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Jane the Virgin, 3.02 - "Chapter Forty-Six"


Mondays is when both Supergirl and Jane the Virgin come out, and being the busy (yet procrastinating) student I am, I decided to watch Jane the Virgin first. If you know me in real life, you will know that I was NOT happy with the premiere last week. Rafael and Rogelio's character development, I felt, were sacrificed in favor of Jane and Michael. In Jane's fantasy of a perfect life, Rafael was not in a single moment of it! Even though he is still Mateo's father, and still going to be part of the family, even if she is married to Michael! Rogelio was ARRESTED for trying to protect his family! And Petra - the showwriters truly hate her. Her own family conspired against her to put her in a f**king hospital while they blackmail Rafael!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Marvel's Luke Cage, 1.06 - "Suckas Need Bodyguards"


I've fallen behind in my binge watching of Marvel's Luke Cage, but today I decided to procrastinate even more by watching season 1, episode 6. Also, I said in my last review that I was most likely reviewing The Flash next, but clearly I was wrong. Let's get started.

If you don't know Marvel and its usual content, let's just say Luke Cage is a stark contrast. Marvel is known for generating vanilla movie after movie, 2-hour long films that mildly entertain us. But that's just it - they're merely mildly entertaining, and we move on. They're also known for being extremely boring and un-diverse in their casting choices - many of which I still personally want to fight the studio execs for. Casting a white woman to play an Asian man in Dr Strange? Really, Marvel, really?

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Supergirl, 2.02 - "The Last Children of Krypton"


As I am a junior in high school, I often get behind with my fall shows. Instead of working on my English paper, I decided to catch up on this week's episode of Supergirl instead.

Ah, Supergirl. Since this is my first review and you guys don't know me personally, I'll just say that my relationship with this show is complicated. Some basics: I started watching for the female lead and stayed for her sister, her love interest and said love interest's love interest. Being the emotional multishipper I am, I ship Kara, James AND Lucy. Together. But when it was clear James and Lucy were over, I happily settled with Kara and James. I adored their chemistry and the fact that the black man could get the girl was so important to me. (My bio in the sidebar kinda implied that representation is a major factor in what I watch. Don't like it? You still have a chance to leave.) Unfortunately, as you can tell with the use of the past tense, they broke up - before they even had a chance to start. This complete 180 in a timespan of less than 24 hours (between the season 1 finale and season 2 premiere) is something I will be forever bitter about. F*ck you, Supergirl writers. F*ck you.