Wednesday, July 26, 2017

MUST WATCH!!!: The Bold Type +Brief Recap of First Four Episodes


Summer vacation is passing by quicker than ever. With SDCC 2017 and the Shadowhunters 2B premiere already behind us (what?!?!) comes the inevitable binge watch of new shows. One new summer show in particular has caught my eye, and it just so happens to air on the same network as another show I have previously raved about on here.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Pitch and The Get Down: Stop Cancelling, Start Watching

Hey guys! Long time no see! I know I said I would be writing more during summer, but unfortunately, I haven't gotten a chance to sit down and do just that, so today I'll be talking about something I've wanted to talk about for a while.

I'm sure you've all heard the news - after only one season at Fox, Pitch is no more. Fans had been waiting for months for potential news of a renewal, only to be let down by Fox, because they're Fox. The same goes with Netflix's The Get Down - set in the late 70s, the drama followed the rise of disco and R&B in the poor parts of the Bronx. (I've always wanted to review The Get Down on here as a separate entity, but alas, the show got cancelled before I could.) Both shows ended ambiguously, and both shows, despite having excellent writing and cast chemistry, were cancelled before their time. Something else they had in common? Both featured casts that contained mostly actors of color.