Tuesday, May 23, 2017

First Movie Review!: Saban's Power Rangers (2017)


Hey everyone! Hopefully with AP exams behind me, I'll have time to start these reviews again. However, I don't think I'll be doing episode by episode reviews consistently - they take a long time to write, and depending on how the episode was, I might not be in the right mood to write it. Though it may look like that I love ranting, it actually takes a lot of energy out of me, and even can negatively affect my health. This doesn't mean I'll never do them again - I'll write recaps for particularly memorable episodes, such as Arrow's season 5 episode 20, so watch out for that.

So, I've decided to expand on my blog and do general season recaps, such as my Shadowhunters ones, me talking more about my opinions than what actually happened in the episode, and, as the title of this post indicates, movie reviews! I'm extremely excited to cover Power Rangers as my first movie review, and apologize for it being very late.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Shadowhunters Season 2A Recap Part 2: Episodes 7-10

Warning: SPOILERS IF YOU HAVE NOT WATCHED, although if you haven't watched by this point, I'm gonna have to kick your ass for slacking. I say this as if I haven't procrastinated writing this.

With less than a month until season 2B to go (time flies, right?!), I've decided to finally get off my ass and write this review. I know, I know, the last one (aka the first half) was published over a month ago when I promised it would be out in a couple days. But to be fair, I was kind of dreading writing this because most of the episodes in this half of the recap were mediocre. Let's get started!